Before we get into it, let’s make sure you know about our Covid procedures. If you've never floated at oGoFloat before be sure to also view the Pre Float Procedures.
Wear a mask until you get into your own private float room (this becomes optional when the applicable Provincial Health Order expires).
Bring a water bottle to avoid touch surfaces.
Complete your booking and waiver online ahead of time.
Watch the Float Intro Video before you come in. (There will be a test!)
Take the time you need, but don’t linger in the lobby and common spaces too long.
Don’t come if you are sick or think you might be getting sick – with anything, not just Covid symptoms.

These are steps we’re taking to ensure your safety (most of these were standard practice before Covid):
oGoFloat adheres to, and in many cases surpasses Interior Health and WorkSafe BC guidelines.
Frequent and proper hand washing protocols.
Float room walls, floors, surfaces, and doors are disinfected with a hospital grade disinfectant.
UV-C disinfection light is floated inside the tank between each floater and then in the room for a virus deactivation double punch.
Filtration system for the float solution is expertly operated and maintained.
Bathroom, door handles, railings, water cooler are all disinfected between float sessions.
Extended time between float sessions maximizing air turnover time.
Continued learning from industry experts to ensure we continue to meet or exceed cleaning standards.
We keep our personal bubbles small, our outings limited, and our shopping local. We’re cognizant of the fact that when you come to oGoFloat the biggest risk is us personally. We are taking our health seriously so we can continue to offer float therapy.
The Risks
The risk associated with floating has never been zero. It’s incredibly low risk, but it’s not zero. Our industry’s recreational water expert says the lemon in your drink at a restaurant poses a higher risk than floating. Everything we do comes with an extra element of risk and it’s on each of us to determine how much risk you’re willing to accept in exchange for the benefit. We need food, so we brave the grocery store, but it takes more than food to keep us happy healthy humans.

So in terms of risk, how does floating hold up? The great news is floating has some elements that seem perfectly suited for a global pandemic.
Solo activity. You are alone in your own private float room without anyone else to breath on. Floating is truly isolation at it’s finest.
Disinfection Processes. The entire room is disinfected between each user (always has been). We’ve doubled down on our disinfection practices and added a UV-C light as added protection, but we’ve been well versed in the practice of deactivating viruses for a long time. This isn’t new to us and our learning curve hasn’t been that steep. Pre-pandemic we were equipped with the knowledge and products to ensure a safe environment and our knowledge and our skills have only grown since then. If you want to learn more about our full cleaning process check out this blog.
Showers. I’ll see your hand sanitizer and raise you 2 showers! Plenty of opportunity to wash away any pathogens you may have come in contact with. The person before you did the same thing.
Automation. The light switches in the float rooms are activated automatically by motion, and we (almost always) open the front door to greet you, meaning you could easily make it into your private float suite without touching anything.
The Benefits
Staying well is the best way to fight off infections and keep your body operating optimally. Get plenty of sleep. Reduce stress; don’t work too hard. Choose the foods and other things you consume mindfully. Since the early days of float research, it’s well established that floating is shown to reduce stress. Anyone with a recurring float practice will attest to the sense of balance and serenity derived from a float, and a good night’s sleep is almost universally experienced. Floating offers a positive effect on our immune system. Research suggests floating can increase your anti-inflammatory markers (so far small sample size and specific to those with anxiety) but it’s promising.
Let’s not forget the power of the mind. Being of well mind and spirit reverberates physical wellness throughout your entire body (and vise versa). Floating resets your nervous system making way for physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
There’s no shortage of things to be stressed out about these days. I feel it myself. I see it in the eyes of our floaters, I feel it in your words, and I witness the weight lifted when you leave. I know that for me, and for many others the benefits of floating far outweigh the risks, even, and especially during a pandemic, but it’s a personal determination that only you can make. If you don’t feel comfortable floating right now that’s totally ok. We are so incredibly lucky to have built oGoFloat into our home, we assure you we will still be open when you determine it’s safe for you to do so again.