Every person operates on their own cycle of time. Some are self professed “morning people” and others would be more than happy to sleep until noon each day (I’m the latter). Time is the one thing we can never get back, and never seem to have enough of. Time is finite, precious, and everyone struggles to manage it efficiently and get the most out of the 24 hours in a day. Everyone has heard, and probably said themselves, that they would love to do X, if only they could find the time. Of course, we hear this a lot about floating and we know it can be hard to carve out 2 hours of time to lie in silence. I want to tell you how making the time for floating can help you make the most of the rest of your day/week, and a few tricks I use to help make time for anything!

A regular floating practice regulates sleep cycles, negates jet lag and allows you to make the most out of your waking hours. Along with exercise and eating well, getting enough sleep is the best way to get the most out of your day. It takes longer to get anything done when you are tired and sluggish. Before I had easy access to a tank, I was floating about once a week, generally on Sunday evenings. I found that a float, followed by a restful sleep was the best way to prep my body and mind for the dreaded Monday. Most people report experiencing a deep peaceful sleep following a float, but no two humans are the same. It's extremely rare, but a couple people have reported being restless and unable to easily fall asleep following a float because their brain is firing on all cylinders. For these people, I would recommend floating in the morning rather than at night. I find morning floats get my creative juices flowing and I am noticeably more productive. Evening floats are more of a reflection period and I am more focused on what I have accomplished, and the things I am most grateful for. Both have a purpose, and of course, this is only my experience. Everyone’s tank journey is unique to them!

A regular float practice will allow you to accomplish more with a greater degree of accuracy. The personal gains received from a regular float practice far outweigh the loss of 2 hours that you may have otherwise spent dredging down an internet hole, or participating in a Netflix marathon.
There are many ways to help you get the most out of your time. We weren’t built to survive on a constant go-go go schedule; this fast-paced lifestyle results in more stress and less sleep. It’s very important to schedule personal rest and relaxation time. Maybe you enjoy gardening, reading, or completing a jigsaw puzzle. Schedule time to do what brings you peace. Put it in your calendar and don’t compromise on YOU time. Be consistent with this practice of dedicating time to yourself.
Set specific goals. Set deadlines for tasks. Make a to-do list for what you want to accomplish the following day each night before bed. This works to set the intention and having the visual reminder each morning will help you get those tasks accomplished. Meditate on what you want to accomplish. Visualize your goals and imagine what life will be like once you’ve reached them.
Leave work on time. I’m sure we are all guilty of staying late for one reason or another, and undoubtedly there are times when staying late is a necessity but do everything you can to Fred Flintstone it out of there as soon as the bell rings! It’s important to distinguish between your personal time and the time you trade for wages.
Get the little things done. Do you have an email that you’ve been meaning to respond to? An errand that you’ve been delaying? If you get the little things crossed off the list it will make the big things seem more achievable. Taking care of the smaller tasks helps take them off your mind so you can remain focused on the higher goals.

To find the time specifically for floating, I think the best way to carve out the time is to schedule it in advance. Just like I used to float on Sunday evenings setting a consistent day and time for your float is a great way to make it happen and allow you to measure the benefits. Writing in a float journal will help you observe how you feel before and after a float, and help you record your tank thoughts. Make floating part of a ritual. I enjoy going for a great meal after floating when my senses are primed and ready for savory input. Find your ritual and run with it!